Nation Shall Not Lift Up Sword Against Nation | By Raphael Kail
I am a water colorist. In 2018, noticing the rise in Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and religious intolerance in general, I had the urge to put something down on paper. I decided on Isaiah 2:4, "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." Phonetically, the Hebrew reads, " Lo Yisa Goy El Goy Herev, ViloYilmdoo Ode Mealchamaw ." "Lo" means "no", "Goy" means "nation," and it also means "other." In my mind, this word from YHWH was not only intended to move people from war to peace, but was intended to instruct people to get along in general. To follow God’s way, we need to not just coexist, but to respect each other. I created this piece of art. Two years ago, when the eleven people were murdered in The Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, I was strongly affected on two levels. First, as someone who is Jewish, I realized these people died only because they were Jewi...