Interfaith Philadelphia's Leadership Institute Series Helps Build Religious Literacy

Leaders, facilitators, and workers from all walks of life are more effective when they understand the many ways people practice and orient around religion and spirituality. Build Religious Literacy: A Window Into Your Neighbor’s Faith is a new (virtual) mini-course that takes a deep dive into the lived experiences of people of diverse faith traditions.  

This spring, the six-part interactive series introduced participants to Judaism, Islam, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the Baha’i faith.  Each session includes a “living library” – diverse practitioners - who interact with participants on core aspects of their faith, share personal stories, and answer questions.  The series opens with an unusual twist – “un-defining” common terms frequently used in conversations about religion, followed by practice in respectfully asking curious questions.

When we expand our religious literacy, we better understand the news, arts, and culture, as well as our neighbors, co-workers and family members.  One participant said this mini-course will enable him to work more effectively with people from diverse backgrounds in his pro-bono work as an attorney. A participant studying for a Master's Degree in Theology and Religion said, “I hope to continue on the path of interfaith work; one thing on my heart and mind is starting a podcast that continues the conversations we had in this group."


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